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Swiss Oaks
Public Documents
Community CC&R's & By-Laws
CC&R's & By-Laws - Schneitter's Swiss Oaks Condominium Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions along with the communities Bylaws.
CC&R's (Only) - Recorded with Wasatch County on  July 27, 1990 (Entry #152843)
CC&R's Amendment - 2002 Amendment to the CC&R's to amend the owners liability insurance to $1M. 
By-Laws (Only) - Recorded with Wasatch County on  July 27, 1990 (Entry #152843)
Bylaw Amendment - 2002 Amendment to the Bylaws to amend the Annual Meeting, Quorum, Changes and Number of Trustees.

Community Maps
Click on the image above for a larger version. Click on the image above for a larger version.

Schneitter's Swiss Oaks Property Management Company
Mountain Resorts Management
P.O. Box 1180, Midway, UT 84049
Phone: 1-800-654-2370
Fax: 435-657-0596